Kofi Kingston On Big E: To Me, The Most Important Thing Is His Health

Kofi Kingston says Big E is almost back to 100% feeling-wise, but his future in the ring remains unclear.

Big E has been sidelined since March 2022, when he suffered a fractured C1 and his C6 vertebrae during a suplex by Ridge Holland. He has offered some updates since then, but it is not known whether will return to the ring.

Speaking with Jan Murphy of the Toronto Sun, Kofi Kingston spoke highly of Big E’s ability as a performer. He also commented on the former WWE Champion’s injury and made it clear that, to him, Big E’s health is the priority.

“As far as his injury is concerned, my main thing is that he has his health,” Kofi Kingston said. “I’m so happy that he’s doing so well, physically and mentally, because I can only imagine what an injury like that, as severe as the one that he suffered to his neck, he fractured his C1 and his C6 in a couple of places and to not have surgery, there was no misalignment, he really is almost back to 100%, feeling-wise.

“He’s able to live everyday life and he’s able to lift weights, which is a big part of his life, too. It could have been a lot worse. I’m just happy that he is able to live his life with a level of happiness and health.”

Kofi Kingston On Big E’s Potential Return

Kofi Kingston continued by noting that everyone will have to wait and see whether Big E will return to the ring. He stated that it would be okay if that doesn’t happen, but he just wants his friend to have his health.

“Whether he comes back, I think we all have to just kind of wait and see what happens and I think a lot of people would be really stoked to see him out there again, but if not, then that’s OK, too. We’ll all kind of find out together what the situation is,” Kofi Kingston said. “But again, my main concern is that he has his health and I’m just happy that he never needed any kind of surgery or anything like that to live a healthy life.”

WrestleZone will provide more information is available.
