Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There? Lyrics Meaning


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Mar 23rd 2016 !⃝

Both a stupid "song" (if you can call it that), and yet with multiple meanings if you can listen....

This song repeats the same line "Is there anybody out there?" four (4) times, but each time with a different emphasis/intonation...

On a simplistic level (first line), mere interrogation... is there any one beyond "the wall" who can (is willing) to interact/communicate? (Innocent / child)

The next (second line) seems to be demanding... answer me! (Pleading / teenager)

On a deeper/emotional level (third line), demanding to be heard/acknowledged... is anyone listing? does anybody care? (Demanding / Young Adult)

The fourth line seems to emphasize "out there". Is there another anarchistic/rebel around? Is there anybody else but me?
Anyone else living behind a wall?
(Irate / Old Adult)
