Rhea Ripleys High Dollar Hell In A Cell Cameo Videos Sell Out First

WWE banned their Superstars from taking part in Cameo videos and Twitch streams. They haven’t worked anything out with Twitch yet, but WWE has partnered up with Cameo once again to supply limited personalized videos for fans.

We previously reported that several WWE Superstars are now doing Cameo videos for Hell in a Cell. The prices vary depending on the Superstar in question, but Rhea Ripley’s fans turned out in a big way.

The company only offered 10 Cameo videos per Superstar. Out of all the available Superstars, Rhea Ripley’s sold out first. Her videos were listed at $350 each.

Now Rhea Ripley has a bit of a humble brag if she wants to take advantage of it. Out of all the Cameo videos available she sold out first. That means Ripley beat out people like Shawn Michaels, Charlotte Flair, Alex Bliss, Seth Rollins, and more.

Some fans had an issue with the price of those Cameo videos. Seth Rollins and Alexa Bliss’ videos are $600, after all. HBK is charging $750. It’s unknown how much of that money will make it to the Superstars because WWE is obviously taking a cut as well.

You can check out the current available Cameos below. If you were holding out to get a message from The Nightmare then you need to wait until next time.

What’s your take on Cameo videos and what’s the max you would pay for one? Sound off in the comments!

Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.
