What does JHIT mean in Florida?

Miami and southern Florida slang for a young gangster.Click to see full answer. Likewise, people ask, what does JHIT mean?JIT means “Young gangster” or “Just In Time” So now you know – JIT means “Young gangster” or “Just In Time” – don’t thank us. YW! What does JIT mean? JIT is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the JIT definition is given.Also, what does slime mean in Florida? “When we say ‘slime,’ we mean the ugly harmful and nuisance algae that can literally kill water bodies and the tourist economies that depend on them,” says Maria Bolton-Joubert, chair of the Central Florida Sierra Club. Furthermore, what does woe mean in Florida? working on excellence What does slatt mean? Slime Love All the Time
