Report: Supermodel Cara Delevingne Opens Up About Rehab Experience After Disturbing Images Emerged

Revealing a period of struggle, English model and actress Cara Delevingne admitted to checking herself into rehab following the emergence of distressing images of her erratic behavior.

Reflecting on her mental health battles and addiction issues after causing concern with troubled public appearances, the 30-year-old, who graces the cover of Vogue’s April edition, acknowledged not being prepared to confront her inner demons until reaching a “bad place.”

Supermodel Cara Delevingne reveals she checked into rehab when

Elaborating on her journey, she shared, “I’ve had interventions of a sort, but I wasn’t ready. That’s the problem. I hadn’t seen a therapist in three years. I just kind of pushed everyone away, which made me realize how much I was in a bad place.”

An epiphany struck as Cara admitted, “I always thought that the work needs to be done when the times are bad, but actually the work needs to be done when they’re good. The work needs to be done consistently. It’s never going to be fixed or fully healed but I’m okay with that, and that’s the difference.”

Friends and family had shown concern for Cara’s well-being after witnessing her erratic behavior, prompting her to confront the truth about her health after seeing troubling photographs.

Recalling the realization she had, she confessed, “I hadn’t slept. I was not okay. It’s heartbreaking because I thought I was having fun, but at some point it was like, ‘Okay, I don’t look well.’ You know, sometimes you need a reality check, so in a way those pictures were something to be grateful for.”

Admitting to building shallow relationships and fearing abandonment, she expressed, “If you ask any of my friends, they would say they’d never seen me cry.” Seeking support, she added, “From September, I just needed support. I needed to start reaching out. And my old friends I’ve known since I was 13, they all came over and we started crying. They looked at me and said, ‘You deserve a chance to have joy.'”

Realizing the need to avoid seeking quick fixes to her healing process, Cara committed to following the 12-step program through therapy.

Expressing her struggle with the understanding of outsiders, she shared her frustrations at people simplifying her battles and highlighted the lifelong commitment to her recovery process.

She explained, “This process obviously has its ups and downs, but I’ve started realizing so much. People want my story to be this after-school special where I just say, ‘Oh look, I was an addict, and now I’m sober and that’s it.’ And it’s not as simple as that. It doesn’t happen overnight…. Of course I want things to be instant – I think this generation especially, we want things to happen quickly—but I’ve had to dig deeper.”

Lockdown brought a deep depression for Cara after ending her relationship with Ashley Benson, realizing her sense of worth was tied to work, leading to a dark period of partying and misery.

The model struggled with heroin addiction, bipolar disorder, and had early experiences with alcohol and sleeping pill abuse.

Identifying as pansexual, her journey with mental health issues began at age 15, accompanied by struggles with her sexuality and self-harm as a teenager. She later mentioned that she will be taking time for healing and embracing the next phase of her life after clicking with her 30th birthday.
