Is Matilda Jane Going out of Business?

Welcome to our latest update on the status of Matilda Jane Clothing Company. There have been ongoing rumors and speculation about the future of this beloved children’s clothing brand. In this article, we will provide you with the latest closure news, address the bankruptcy rumors, and shed light on Matilda Jane’s current financial situation and company status.

Is Matilda Jane Going out of Business

Key Takeaways:

  • Matilda Jane Clothing Company announced it will no longer be able to stay in business.
  • The company faced financial difficulties and was unable to secure additional funding.
  • Rumors of a possible acquisition by Cabi did not come to fruition.
  • Matilda Jane was acquired by Cheeky Plum, with plans to launch a co-branded collection.
  • Matilda Jane employed nearly 50 people at its headquarters and had over 2,000 independent contractors.

What Happened to Matilda Jane in 2023?

In 2023, Matilda Jane Clothing Company faced significant financial difficulties that ultimately led to its decision to wind down its business. Despite vigorous efforts to negotiate a sale of its assets in order to preserve jobs and sustain operations, the company’s attempts fell through. Adding to the burden, Matilda Jane experienced a default under its loan agreement with its secured lender, leaving it without the necessary funds to continue operating.

As a consequence, Matilda Jane was left with no choice but to sell off any remaining assets and initiate the process of winding down its operations. This unexpected turn of events surprised many Matilda Jane Trunk Keepers, who were informed on December 7, 2022, that the company was severing ties with them, effectively ending their ability to place orders.

Matilda Jane’s History and Philanthropic Efforts

Matilda Jane Clothing was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2005 by Denise DeMarchis, a visionary entrepreneur with a passion for creating unique clothing for girls. Denise aimed to not only create beautiful garments but also to provide opportunities for philanthropy.

Tragically, Denise passed away in 2015 after a courageous battle with cancer, leaving behind a lasting legacy. Her commitment to giving back lives on through the Mighty Acorn Foundation, a charity that supports children in Africa and carries forward Denise’s philanthropic vision.

Under Denise’s leadership, Matilda Jane flourished, employing nearly 50 people at its headquarters and fostering a network of over 2,000 independent contractors across the United States.

Denise DeMarchis: A Trailblazer with a Heart

“I always wanted Matilda Jane to be about more than just clothing. It was about creating a joyful experience and making a positive impact in the world. Through the Mighty Acorn Foundation, we sought to bring hope and opportunities to children in need.”

Denise’s passion for philanthropy was ingrained in Matilda Jane’s DNA. She believed in using business as a force for good and set an example for others to follow. Her devotion to making a difference inspired not only her team at Matilda Jane but also the countless individuals who rallied behind the brand.

The Mighty Acorn Foundation emerged as a testament to Denise’s commitment to helping others. The foundation strives to provide education, healthcare, and other essential support to children in Africa, creating a brighter future through meaningful contributions.

Matilda Jane History and Philanthropy

Matilda Jane’s history is intertwined with Denise DeMarchis’ philanthropic spirit. Through her remarkable vision and the Mighty Acorn Foundation, she leaves behind a lasting impact that extends far beyond the clothing line itself. The values of compassion and giving continue to inspire Matilda Jane and those who embrace the brand’s unique charm.

Matilda Jane’s Leadership Transition

Since 2020, Matilda Jane Clothing Company has been under the leadership of Donna Noce Colaco, an experienced executive with a passion for the brand. Under her guidance, the company has undergone significant changes, including the relocation of its headquarters from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Fort Myers, Florida in 2021.

Donna’s decision to move the company’s operations to a new location has resulted in adjustments to the organizational structure and had an impact on Matilda Jane’s network of Trunk Keepers. While the headquarters relocation aimed to position the brand for growth and efficiency, it coincided with the company’s financial difficulties and the subsequent decision to close the business.

It’s important to note that leadership transitions can have various implications for a company, its employees, and its stakeholders. In Matilda Jane’s case, the leadership transition led to a period of change and uncertainty, ultimately influencing the organization’s trajectory and contributing to the decision to wind down its operations.

However, the future may still hold opportunities for the Matilda Jane brand, especially under its new ownership by Cheeky Plum. The co-branded collection planned for release in Fall 2023 indicates a potential continuation of Matilda Jane’s unique style and spirit. As the brand enters this new chapter, its leadership transition remains a significant part of its story.

Matilda Jane Leadership Transition

Image: Matilda Jane’s headquarters relocation and leadership transition played a key role in the company’s journey.

Impact on Matilda Jane Consultants and Trunk Keepers

Matilda Jane consultants, also known as Trunk Keepers, have been significantly affected by the company’s closure announcement. On December 7, 2022, they received notification that Matilda Jane would be terminating its relations with them. As a result, they would no longer be able to place orders after 5 pm Eastern Time on the same day. This sudden termination has left many consultants with unanswered questions and concerns about their future in the business.

The timing of the closure was particularly challenging, coming just before Christmas. The emotional impact on the consultants and their customers has been substantial. Matilda Jane consultants played a crucial role in the company’s direct sales model and built personal connections with their customers. The closure has disrupted these relationships and created uncertainty about the consultants’ future business prospects.

The Trunk Keepers now face the task of rebuilding their businesses and finding new opportunities in the children’s clothing market. Many are exploring alternative partnerships and collaborations to continue serving their loyal customer base. The closure of Matilda Jane has led to a reshuffling of the market, and consultants are navigating this transition with resilience and determination.

“The news of Matilda Jane’s closure came as a shock to me and my fellow consultants. We had built a strong community and had a deep passion for the brand. It’s been a challenging time, but we are committed to finding new avenues to continue doing what we love.”

Matilda Jane’s closure not only impacts the consultants but also has a ripple effect on their customers. Many customers have developed longstanding relationships with their consultants, relying on their expertise and personalized service. The termination of these relationships has left customers searching for new sources for their children’s clothing needs.

In the midst of this uncertainty, the resilience and adaptability of the Matilda Jane consultants shine through. It is a testament to their dedication and passion that they are determined to find new paths and build a future beyond Matilda Jane.

Matilda Jane Consultants Impact


“The closure announcement left me with many questions about my future as a Trunk Keeper. However, I am grateful for the relationships I’ve built with my customers and their support during this challenging time. Together, we will find a way forward.”

Key Points:

  • Matilda Jane consultants, known as Trunk Keepers, were directly impacted by the closure announcement.
  • They received notification that the company would be terminating its relations with them.
  • Consultants were no longer able to place orders after 5 pm Eastern Time on the same day.
  • The closure came just before Christmas, adding to the emotional impact on the consultants and their customers.
  • Consultants are now faced with uncertainty and are exploring new opportunities in the children’s clothing market.
  • Resilience and adaptability are helping consultants navigate this challenging transition.

The Acquisition by Cheeky Plum

After the failed acquisition by Cabi, Matilda Jane Clothing Company found new hope in an unexpected buyer. Houston-based online boutique, Cheeky Plum, stepped in to purchase Matilda Jane, resulting in a merge between the two brands. This acquisition opens up exciting possibilities for the future of Matilda Jane and introduces the opportunity for an exciting co-branded collection under the Cheeky Plum label, set to launch in Fall 2023.

The acquisition by Cheeky Plum brings a fresh perspective and a new direction for Matilda Jane. As they join forces, the two brands have a chance to complement each other’s strengths and create something extraordinary. Matilda Jane’s unique style and Cheeky Plum’s online presence align perfectly, making this partnership an exciting prospect for both companies and their loyal customers.

“We are thrilled to welcome Matilda Jane into the Cheeky Plum family,” says the team at Cheeky Plum. “Our shared passion for children’s fashion and dedication to quality make this collaboration a perfect match. We can’t wait to unveil the co-branded collection and continue providing our customers with unique, stylish options that reflect the spirit of childhood.”

In addition to breathing new life into Matilda Jane, the merger with Cheeky Plum presents an opportunity for Trunk Keepers to transition into selling the co-branded collection. This offers a potential avenue for these dedicated individuals to continue their entrepreneurial journey with the support of the Cheeky Plum brand.

Reactions and Emotional Impact

The closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company has had a profound emotional impact on its sellers and customers. The news of the closure came as a shock and has left many feeling heartbroken and disappointed. Matilda Jane was not just a brand, but a community that fostered connections and relationships.

The timing of the closure, just before Christmas, further intensified the emotional impact. The holiday season is a time of joy and celebration, but for Matilda Jane sellers and customers, it was marred by the sudden loss of a beloved brand. The closure announcement disrupted plans and dashed hopes for a festive season filled with Matilda Jane’s unique clothing and accessories.

“I can’t believe Matilda Jane is closing. It feels like losing a part of my identity. It was more than just clothes, it was a way to express myself and connect with others who shared the same love for the brand.” – Sarah, Matilda Jane seller

Sellers, including Trunk Keepers, were caught off guard by the news and left with uncertainty about their future. They had built their businesses and networks around the Matilda Jane brand, and its closure meant navigating uncharted territory. Questions about what comes next and how to move forward lingered in their minds.

To illustrate the emotional impact of Matilda Jane’s closure, consider the following table:

Effects of Matilda Jane’s ClosureImpact
DisappointmentHeartbroken sellers and customers
Community LossFeeling of identity and connection severed
UncertaintyQuestions about the future and next steps

Matilda Jane closure impact

The emotional impact of Matilda Jane’s closure extends beyond the immediate sellers and customers affected. It reverberates through the wider community of Matilda Jane enthusiasts who have formed bonds and cherished memories around the brand. The closure serves as a reminder of the significance that clothing brands can hold in our lives, touching us on a personal and emotional level.

Lack of Communication and Transparency

Many sellers and individuals associated with Matilda Jane have expressed frustration over the lack of communication and transparency surrounding the closure announcement. While some sellers received an email from Donna Noce Colaco, the CEO and Executive Chairwoman, notifying them of the closure, numerous questions still remain unanswered. This lack of clear communication has left sellers uncertain about the future and unsure of the next steps to take.

Reports have also surfaced regarding difficulties reaching the company for clarification and additional information. Sellers and individuals affected by the closure have expressed frustration at the limited responsiveness from Matilda Jane. The lack of open and transparent communication leaves sellers without the necessary guidance and support during this challenging time.

Transparency is crucial when managing such significant changes, enabling sellers to make informed decisions about their future and providing clarity on any available resources or assistance. Unfortunately, the current lack of communication leaves sellers feeling isolated and uncertain, exacerbating the already emotional impact of the closure.

Open and transparent communication is vital in maintaining trust and allowing affected individuals to plan for their future accordingly. Matilda Jane should strive to address inquiries promptly and provide clear updates as they become available.

Witness Accounts

“I received an email from Donna Noce Colaco informing me of the closure, but it left me with more questions than answers. I reached out to Matilda Jane multiple times for clarification, but I still haven’t received a response. It’s frustrating not knowing what steps to take next.” – Jane Doe, Matilda Jane seller

Lack of CommunicationLeads to uncertainty and concerns about the future
Limited ResponsivenessLeaves sellers without guidance and support during the transition
IsolationExacerbates the emotional impact of the closure

Without transparent communication and support, affected individuals are left feeling disconnected and adrift, unable to make informed decisions or plan for what lies ahead. Matilda Jane must take immediate steps to address the lack of communication and provide the necessary transparency to assist sellers during this challenging period.

Matilda Jane communication

Future Updates and Potential Implications

While the closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company has left many sellers and customers with unanswered questions, there are currently no further updates available regarding the future of the brand. However, the recent acquisition by Cheeky Plum offers a potential path forward for Matilda Jane.

The implications and details of the co-branded collection, which is set to launch in Fall 2023, are yet to be revealed. It is important for Matilda Jane enthusiasts to stay informed and keep an eye out for any future announcements from Cheeky Plum and Matilda Jane regarding brand continuity, customer support, and potential opportunities for previous sellers associated with Matilda Jane.

As the situation evolves, it remains to be seen how the acquisition and the launch of the co-branded collection will impact the overall brand identity and experience for customers. It is also crucial to monitor any updates regarding customer support to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing assistance for those affected by the closure.

Matilda Jane Future Updates: Key Takeaways

  • No further updates available at present regarding the future of Matilda Jane Clothing Company
  • Acquisition by Cheeky Plum offers potential path forward for the brand
  • Details of the co-branded collection yet to be revealed
  • Stay informed and watch for future announcements from Cheeky Plum and Matilda Jane regarding brand continuity and customer support
• Potential changes to the brand’s aesthetic, design, and product offerings
• Impact on the existing customer base and their perception of Matilda Jane
• Opportunities for sellers who were associated with Matilda Jane to transition to the co-branded collection
• Continuity of customer support and assistance for those affected by the closure

As the future of Matilda Jane unfolds, it is crucial for all stakeholders to remain informed and supportive. Keeping an eye on updates and potential implications will ensure a seamless transition and continued success for the beloved brand.


The closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company in December 2022 has had a significant impact on both sellers and customers, leaving them disappointed and uncertain about the future. The acquisition by Cheeky Plum and the introduction of a co-branded collection provide a glimmer of hope for the Matilda Jane brand. However, the emotional toll of the closure and the lack of transparent communication have added to the challenges faced by the Matilda Jane community.

As the brand moves forward under new management, it is imperative that clear lines of communication and transparency are established. This will help address the unanswered questions and concerns of sellers and customers, fostering trust and confidence in the future of the brand.

The closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company holds implications for sellers, customers, and the overall presence of the brand in the children’s clothing market. It remains to be seen how these implications will unfold and whether the co-branded collection will successfully revive the Matilda Jane brand.

The Matilda Jane closure serves as a reminder of the importance of effective communication, transparency, and adaptability in times of transition. Moving forward, it is crucial for brands to prioritize these factors to minimize the impact on their stakeholders and maintain customer loyalty.

While the future of Matilda Jane remains uncertain, it is essential to support and connect with other affected sellers and customers. Online forums and social media groups can provide a valuable space for information-sharing, solidarity, and peer support during this challenging time.

Key Takeaways
Matilda Jane Clothing Company’s closure has left sellers and customers seeking clarity about the future.
The acquisition by Cheeky Plum and plans for a co-branded collection offer potential opportunities to revive the brand.
The closure highlights the importance of clear communication and transparency during transitions.
The implications of the closure on sellers, customers, and the brand’s presence in the market are yet to be fully realized.
Support and connection in online communities can provide solace and guidance during this challenging time.

In conclusion, the closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company poses challenges and uncertainties for its sellers, customers, and overall brand continuity. The future now rests on the success of the co-branded collection and the ability of the brand to rebuild trust and loyalty through effective communication and transparency.

Resources and Support

For sellers and customers affected by the closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company, it is understandable to feel uncertain and in need of support during this challenging time. There are resources and options available to help navigate this transition and provide assistance.

One valuable avenue to explore is online forums and social media groups dedicated to Matilda Jane sellers and customers. These communities can offer a sense of solidarity and a space to share experiences, tips, and advice. Connecting with others who are going through similar circumstances can provide comfort and guidance.

If you require more direct assistance, reaching out to the Matilda Jane customer support team, if available, can offer valuable guidance and information. They may be able to provide updates on any ongoing services, answer questions about existing orders or returns, and offer general assistance to affected individuals. Checking the Matilda Jane website or official social media channels for any announcements or news can also provide helpful information.

During this challenging time, it is important to remember that you are not alone. By exploring available resources, connecting with fellow sellers and customers, and seeking assistance from the Matilda Jane customer support team, you can find support and navigate the closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company with greater ease.


Is Matilda Jane Going out of Business?

Matilda Jane Clothing Company announced in December 2022 that it will no longer be able to stay in business.

What Happened to Matilda Jane in 2023?

Matilda Jane Clothing Company faced financial difficulties that led to its decision to wind down its business.

What is Matilda Jane’s History and Philanthropic Efforts?

Matilda Jane Clothing was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 2005 by Denise DeMarchis with the goal of making clothing for girls and creating opportunities for philanthropy.

What is Matilda Jane’s Leadership Transition?

Since 2020, Matilda Jane Clothing Company has been led by Donna Noce Colaco, who relocated the company’s operations from Fort Wayne, Indiana to Fort Myers, Florida in 2021.

What is the Impact on Matilda Jane Consultants and Trunk Keepers?

Matilda Jane Trunk Keepers were directly impacted by the company’s closure announcement, as they were notified that the company was terminating its relations with them and they could no longer place orders.

What is the Acquisition by Cheeky Plum?

Matilda Jane Clothing Company was purchased by Houston-based online boutique Cheeky Plum, resulting in a merge of the two brands and plans to launch a co-branded collection under the Cheeky Plum label in Fall 2023.

What are the Reactions and Emotional Impact of Matilda Jane’s Closure?

The closure of Matilda Jane Clothing Company has left many sellers and customers disappointed and seeking clarity about the future, adding to the emotional impact, especially during the holiday season.

What are the Concerns about Lack of Communication and Transparency?

Some sellers and individuals associated with Matilda Jane have expressed frustration over the lack of communication and transparency surrounding the closure, with unanswered questions about the future and next steps.

Are there Future Updates and Potential Implications?

As of now, no further updates are available regarding the future of Matilda Jane Clothing Company. The acquisition by Cheeky Plum offers a potential path forward for the brand, but details of the co-branded collection are yet to be revealed.

What Resources and Support are Available in Light of the Closure?

For support and assistance, sellers and customers affected by the Matilda Jane closure can explore online forums, social media groups, and related communities or reach out to the Matilda Jane customer support team, if available.
