Tommy Mcclenahan Obituary, Dallas TX, Tommy Mcclenahan Has Died


Tommy Mcclenahan Obituary, Death – Mitchell Thomas McCLENAHAN Tommy McClenahan was always surrounded by a bright light, but that light has dimmed far too soon. At the age of 24, Thomas Mitchell McClenahan passed away on August 10, 2018. Tommy’s humor and ability to effortlessly make everyone around him feel like they were the most important person in the room have been his greatest assets throughout his brief existence.

Despite his naughty side, his charm and humor won out, and no matter what he did or said, you would always be left with a big smile on your face. Tommy had a strong desire to support those in need and was a real champion of the underdog. Whether it was a child with special needs or someone who was being bullied, Tommy always made sure they knew he had their back.

Tommy, in contrast to the rest of us, never experienced awkwardness. He never went anywhere that he didn’t fit in. Everyone who had the good fortune to experience Tommy’s light will really miss him. Tommy grew up on the Jersey Shore, where he enjoyed spending the summers with his loved ones. He was an avid surfer, body boarder, and skim boarder. It was difficult to remove him from the ocean on many occasions, and he was often spotted surfing until the sun set. He played a lot of lacrosse for the Coppell High School team, helping them win three state titles when he was a student there. Along with traveling the nation with Stik Star lacrosse, he was a regular fixture in the All Star Game at the conclusion of each tournament.

