Who would play them in a movie??

The problem you have here is that pro-wrestling fans are a fickle bunch, the ones that can afford to go see a movie anyway. If you betray their trust by casting someone who doesn't live up to their adoration for a specific wrestler, it loses most of its base audience. If you're going to have someone play a character like Bret Hart, you would have to cast someone who looks convincingly like Bret Hart.

I remember when a movie about Andre the Giant was being made in 2005 and they wanted to have Matthew McGrory in the lead role. They never completed it because, rest his soul, Matthew McGrory passed away before they could finish filming. Either way, I highly doubt that Matthew McGrory could have pulled off Andre the Giant convincingly.

Maybe throw a wig on him and after months of training, you could have Christian Bale play Bret Hart. I can see him having the discipline and dare-devil instinct to at least be ring ready so we don't just get a bunch of scene's involving backstage drama. Good call by the way, I just noticed that other people think he'd be a good pick as well.

I'm thinking, maybe Aaron Eckhart for Chris Jericho. Aaron hasn't impressed too many people lately, but his early work is great.

To play Mick Foley, I'm thinking that the obvious choice might be Jack Black. Mick Foley's characters have always been somewhat spastic in their demeanor, which I don't see Jack Black having any trouble of emulating.

Chris Benoit is a tricky one, in that I don't think very many wrestlers will be willing to make a cameo or even have anything to do with the film. If somehow a movie is made and Vince is cool with it, I imagine that maybe they could get Michael Paré.

Blassie would be a fun character for someone to play. I'm leaning toward Will Sasso for that one. Will has always been a huge pro-wrestling fan and his acting only gets better if the role is more outlandish. He wouldn't have to do much with his physique and I'm sure that the make-up department can do a decent job of making his face look like Blassie's.

Vince, if he's still alive at the time, would probably hand pick who plays him in a movie, so that rules out any short actors. I imagine that he might be able to hire up Daniel Day Lewis, who would no doubt do a superb job playing up every aspect of Vince's character.

Eddie is somewhat tricky, but a lot of people do love a good tragedy. I'm going to throw out a name, more because I love the actor and less because I think he'd do a convincing job. I'd like to see Javier Bardem play Eddie Guerrero. Javier is an excellent character actor and I can see him giving Eddie's role the same dedication and gravitas that he gives to all of his roles.

Bruno is tricky. I'm sure that scores of actors would want to play him, but his fan base would want an actor and not a star in the lead role. I have two ideas. If it was up to me, I'd like to see either Tom Hardy or The Rock take on this kind of role. Tom Hardy is the obvious choice of the two in that he has a stronger track record of serious performances. The Rock on the other hand is money no matter what he sets his sights on, and I imagine it would be a dream role to end all dream roles if he was allowed to become Bruno Sammartino. Obviously it would take a great deal of make up to hide the tattoos and get his facial features right, but I know that The Rock would endure any requirement if it mean he was able to portray the most legendary performer in pro-wrestling history.
