Charlie Capalbo obituary, age, parents, siblings, Fairfield hockey star, funeral

Charlie Capalbo, whose cancer battles inspired the hockey world, died at the age of 23.

Charlie Capalbo, a Fairfield resident whose multiple cancer battles inspired the community and the hockey world at large, died on Sunday. He was 23 years old.

Rebecca Jarit, Capalbo’s aunt, announced the news on Facebook. John McCormick, a family friend, confirmed the news too

Jarit wrote in her post that being released from the hospital after five years and 745 nights was a miracle. He died at 3:00 p.m., one month before his 24th birthday.

McCormick organized a GoFundMe page that has raised over $500,000 since 2017, as well as a welcome home parade in December.

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Charlie Capalbo cause of death

In February, a routine test revealed that Capalbo was fighting cancer for the fourth time and leukemia for the third time.

An MRI indicated a faster progression of disease than anyone expected, according to credible sources, and he has since been treated in Boston. He died from cancer.

Who are Charlie Capalbo parents and siblings?

Capalbo is survived by his parents, Jennifer and Anthony, as well as his brother and other relatives.

In Facebook updates from Capalbo’s family, often signed Rebecca Jarit, Peyton Siegel was among the regulars at his bedside.

When is Charlie Capalbo funeral?

A date and venue for his burial and memorial services would be published by his family later this week.
